Other Common Names: Tornillo (Peru), Lacaica, Parica, Yacayaca (Brazil).
Distribution: Reported in the Loreto and Huanuco Provinces of Peru; encountered most frequently on slopes or hillsides and in the humid soil of the Brazilian Amazon region.
The Tree: A large tree 100 to 160 ft tall with a trunk diameter of 5 to 9 ft. Trees felled in Huanuco Province of Peru were up to 4 ft in diameter with merchantable heights of 4 ft and more.
The Wood:
General Characteristics: Heartwood pale brown with a golden luster; prominently marked with dark red vessel lines; merging gradually into the lighter colored sapwood. Texture coarse; roe grained; odor and taste absent in dry specimens, but fresh-cut timber is reported to emit a disagreeable scent when worked. Compression failures are a common defect.
Weight: Basic specific gravity (ovendry weight/green volume) reported to be about 0.53 for material collected in Brazil and 0.41 for Peruvian stock. Air-dry density, respectively, 40 and 31 pcf.
Mechanical Properties: (2-in standard)
Moisture content Bending strength Modulus of elasticity Maximum crushing strength
(%) (Psi) (1,000 psi) (Psi)
Green (3) 7,600 1,377 3,610
Drying and Shrinkage: No data available on drying characteristics. Volumetric shrinkage (green to ovendry): 11.8%.
Working Properties: Saws woolly but is easy to cut; can be finished smoothly.
Durability: Reported to be probably fairly durable; also reported to have good weathering resistance.
Preservation: No data available.
Uses: General construction, furniture components.