Other Common Names: Amargoso (Honduras), Amargo amargo (Panama), Arisauru, Yaksaru (Guyana), Mora (Nicaragua), Gele Kabbes (Surinam), Angelim, Faveira (Brazil).


Distribution: Southern Mexico, southward along the Atlantic region of Central America, and through Venezuela to the Rio de Janeiro region of Brazil.


The Tree: Sometimes to a height of 125 ft with trunk diameters to 6 ft, commonly to 3 ft, boles have narrow high buttresses and may be clear for 70 ft.


The Wood:


General Characteristics: Heartwood yellow, becoming orange brown on exposure, striped with parenchyma, sometimes with oily appearance; distinct from the whitish, grayish or brownish-yellow sapwood. Luster variable; texture coarse to very coarse; grain straight to strongly interlocked; without distinctive odor but with bitter taste. Silica content of 0.2% is reported.


Weight: Basic specific gravity (ovendry weight/green volume) varies with species from 0.55 to 0.64; air-dry density 42 to 49 pcf.


Mechanical Properties: (2-in. standard)
Moisture content              Bending strength        Modulus of elasticity      Maximum crushing strength
(%)                                          (Psi)                 (1,000 Psi)                      (Psi)
green (25)                                10,300             1,700                          5,020
12%                                        14,600             1,790                          6,950
12% (44)                                17,200             2,340                             -
15% (34)                                11,520             1,460                          5,900
Janka side hardness for dry material 1,080 to 1,420 lb.


Drying and Shrinkage: The wood is reported to have a moderate air-drying rate with little or no drying defects. No data available on kiln schedules. Shrinkage green to ovendry: radial 3.4%; tangential 7.4%; volumetric 8.6%.


Working Properties: Generally reported to be moderately good in machining characteristics but torn and raised grain in planing is common. Fine dust raised during working affects some operators.


Durability: Heartwood is rated as moderately durable to durable based on graveyard tests.


Preservation: Heartwood is reported to be very difficult to preserve, treatment of sapwood is good.


Uses: Construction work, flooring, general carpentry, railroad crossties.

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